Choosing a dog partner is a key decision that will affect your life for many years to come. Choosing the right kennel and the nature of the puppy represents 70% of success, the remaining 30% can be done through joint training. I am ready to help you choose the best dog friend who will suit your nature as well as your possibilities and abilities. We will have everything under control from the first moment and your dream of happy life with your dog may come true. I offer a friendly approach with a full dose of professionalism and services set up throughout your dog’s life. When educating and caring for dogs, I pay attention to the smallest details, so that I can bring each dog I work with as close as possible to the perfection and to the satisfaction of its owner.
The most important thing is to determine what you expect from the dog. Do you want to do dog sports or are you just looking for a companionship? Do you want a dog from a shelter or from a breeder? Which breed is right for you? And where to get him? We will go over these and other questions together and I will help you choose the most suitable dog for you, so that you can both enjoy your life together as much as possible.
Every dog is different. Therefore, I will always prepare a training plan tailored to the personality and needs of your dog. I will teach you how to work with a dog and how to understand him. During the program, your dog will also have the opportunity to regularly participate in training camps in the High Tatras as needed, which you can read more about in the training section.
Čo očakávate od psa? Ako si predstavujete spolužitie? Chcete psa od chovateľa alebo z útulku?
Existuje 339 oficiálne uznaných plemien psov. Spolu nájdeme to jediné vhodné práve pre vás.
U vybraných chovateľov nájdem šteniatka, ktorých povaha vyhovuje vašim požiadavkám.
Zaistím očkovania, odčervenie a nájdem vo vašom okolí spoľahlivého veterinára.
Šteniatku pripravím výživový plán pre jeho najlepší vývin, zdravý rast a plnohodnotný život.
Každý pes je iný. Výcvikový plán vždy pripravím namieru prispôsobený nielen vašim očakávaniam ale i osobnosti vášho psa.
Naučím vášho psa pohybu v mestskom prostredí. Rovnako tak bez rizika zranenia alebo poškodenia majetku v domácom prostredí.
Kompletné informácie o vašom psovi budete mať kedykoľvek prístupné online.
Ak budete zaneprázdnený, môžeme sa o psa postarať buď u vás doma, alebo ho ubytovať v našich priestoroch.
Price: from 1000 € / month
Prices are shown without VAT.
If you are interested in a personal meeting, please fill out the contact form in the link below. We will contact you shortly and explain everything in detail and together we will plan our first personal meeting.
Prices are shown without VAT.