When you can’t take care of your dog on your own anymore.

I will show you how to listen to your dog correctly and how to understand him. Every problem has its reason. I am here to identify the problem, analyze it and recommend the best solution. 

Don’t give up, we can do it together. 

Below you can see three basic types of training that I provide. Furthermore, I offer nutritional counseling, a network of quality veterinarians and guarding of dogs in the camp regime to all clients.

Camp – minimum of 19 days

This most effective form of training takes place in Slovakia in the High Tatras, where I will remove the negative habits of your dog and build a new solid foundation of positive behavior. The camp can be attended by dogs from small puppies to adults, provided they are up to seven years old and have all mandatory vaccination. The dog pickup takes place at your home, where we will discuss your relationship with the dog in detail and you show me how you work together. The dog only needs an International certificate of vaccination or, in the case of foreign clients, a Pet passport and their food for the camp. Upon agreement, I can also provide your dog with the type of food he is used to and which suits him.

In the camp itself, there are only so many dogs at the same time that I, together with my assistants, can adequately attend to all of them and create sufficiently interesting activities throughout the day. During the camp, it may also happen that due to more distant individual trainings, the dog will be in the care of my great assistants Matej and Filip for some days, who will also work with him from the very beginning under my supervision and provide care and training according to the agreed instructions. I will make sure you are regularly informed about the progress and satisfaction of your dog.

After the camp, which can sometimes be extended by a few days depending on the difficulty of the problem, I will bring the dog back to you. We will thoroughly go over how you will work with your dog from now on, so that he can learn new patterns of behavior with you and you can happily continue your life together.

The price: 95 € / day
+ travel expenses 0.55 € / km
Prices are shown without VAT.

Training at your home - 1-1.5 hours

Within an individual training lesson in a dog’s home environment, I will first focus on identifying undesirable habits and behavior. We will then agree upon the most effective remedial plan, given the scale and severity of the problems. In case of a small puppy, I will show you how to build a solid foundation of proper behavior and prevent the formation of bad habits. The training takes place as standard in Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Poprad, Košice and their surroundings. If you are interested in another location, an individual agreement is possible.

Price: 250 € / 6.250 CZK
Prices are shown without VAT.

Training at your home - 2-3 days

Intensive multi-day training at your home, whether in Slovakia, the Czech Republic or elsewhere, is a suitable choice for eliminating dog’s bad habits at home as well as outdoors. I will be available at all times given the accommodation will be arranged. This more intense variant will allow me to better and faster understand the nature and problem of your dog and choose the most suitable solution.

Price: Individual

Budovanie vzťahu

Našim spoločným cieľom je silnejšie puto, ktoré si s vašim psom vybudujete. Naučíte sa porozumieť reči vášho psa.

Plán na mieru

Každý pes je iný. Výcvikový plán vždy pripravíme namieru v súlade s vašimi očakávaniami a osobnosťou vášho psa.

Zmena návykov

Zistíme príčinu negatívnych návykov vášho psa aj vás a nahradíme ich novými pozitívnymi návykmi.

Kvalitná výživa

Určite chcete, aby mal váš pes všetky potrebné živiny. Viem, ktoré to sú, poradím a odporučím vám vhodnú výživu.

Zdravotná starostlivosť

V prípade potreby vás spojím s tými najlepšími veterinármi vo vašom okolí.

Hotel pre psa

Ak budete zaneprázdnený, môžeme sa o vášho psa postarať buď u vás doma, alebo ho ubytovať v našich priestoroch.

If you are interested in a personal meeting, please fill out the contact form in the link below. We will contact you shortly and explain everything in detail and together we will plan our first personal meeting.
Prices are shown without VAT.